Category: Posts
Star Trek (2009) DVD (DVD) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek (2009) DVD (DVD)By Paramount Home Entertainment 15 used and new from $0.01 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek” by Richard S. Customer tags:…
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q are Cordially Uninvited… (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q are Cordially Uninvited… (Kindle Edition)By Rudy Josephs Buy new: $2.99 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek” by IMNJ Customer…
Star Trek Original TV Series Engineering Insignia Logo 3 1/2" Tall PATCH newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek Original TV Series Engineering Insignia Logo 3 1/2″ Tall PATCHBy Main Street 24/7 Buy new: $9.994 used and new from $4.95 Customer Rating:…
Star Trek Into Darkness (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD) (Blu-ray) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek Into Darkness (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD) (Blu-ray)By Chris Pine Buy new: $14.11119 used and new from $5.59 Customer Rating: First tagged…
Star Trek Into Darkness (DVD) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek Into Darkness (DVD)By Chris Pine Buy new: $8.45113 used and new from $2.43 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek” by Whitney Hardesty Customer…
Star Trek TOS Uniform Hoodies
I’m not enough of a geek to wear these. Source: Internet-D
Star Trek: The Original Series: From History's Shadow (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek: The Original Series: From History’s Shadow (Kindle Edition)By Dayton Ward Buy new: $6.83 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek” by StMichael 202 Customer…
Star Trek in Cinerama
THIS GUY has taken a few HD captures of TOS and stitched them together pretty successfully to make widescreen-esque wallpapers Source: Internet-D
Star Trek Into Darkness Official Trailer #3 (2013) – JJ Abrams Movie HD
Entry URL: EntryContent: Check out the ULTIMATE TREK Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Star Trek…
Robot Chicken – Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Night Crew
[youtube Source: Internet-D
Star Trek Next Generation Robes
Star Trek: The Next Generation uniform robes Choose Red/Command/Captain, Blue/Science/Commander, or Gold/Operations/Lieutenant Commander With embroidered communicator badge & rank pips Apparently Star Trek is really…
Comment on Lego Batmobile by Evan
Did you make this up on your own or is this a Lego set you can buy? Source: Internet-D
Comment on ‘Humans hunted the dildo to extinction’ by Larry Fields
Thanks, tiki god. This is the best unintentional Environmentalist humor that I’ve seen in a long time. Source: Internet-D
Star Trek: Enterprise: Last Full Measure (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek: Enterprise: Last Full Measure (Kindle Edition)By Michael A. Martin Buy new: $8.00 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek” by Hans Customer tags: hard…
Enterprise: The Expanse (Star Trek) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Enterprise: The Expanse (Star Trek) (Kindle Edition)By J M Dillard 1 used and new from $11.99 First tagged “star trek” by Hans Customer tags: star…
Enterprise: Shockwave: Enterprise (Star Trek: Enterprise) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Enterprise: Shockwave: Enterprise (Star Trek: Enterprise) (Kindle Edition)By Paul Ruditis 1 used and new from $11.99 First tagged “star trek” by Hans Customer tags: star…
Q-Strike: The Q Continuum #3 (Star Trek: The Next Generation Book 49) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Q-Strike: The Q Continuum #3 (Star Trek: The Next Generation Book 49) (Kindle Edition)By Greg Cox Buy new: $8.00 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek”…
Star Trek: Enterprise: Rise of the Federation: A Choice of Futures (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek: Enterprise: Rise of the Federation: A Choice of Futures (Kindle Edition)By Christopher L. Bennett Buy new: $6.83 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek”…
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4 [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4 [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray)By Patrick Stewart Buy new: $58.0644 used and new from $46.94 Customer Rating: First tagged “star trek”…
Star Trek Into Darkness (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) newly tagged "star trek"
Star Trek Into Darkness (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray)By Chris Pine Buy new: $23.9962 used and new from $15.77 Customer…
Star Trek Movie Blue Dress
From the sleek curves to the subtle design of this dress, the Star Trek XI Blue Dress embodies the woman. This alluring micro-dress features a…
The 15 Most Devastating Space Vessels in the Star Trek Universe – via Topless Robot
In the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry, there are a myriad of iconic images many people remember: Green Orion slave girls, the Borg,…
QMx Unveils 2009 Star Trek Movie Enterprise Replica
After two years Quantum Mechanix has finally revealed the final design for their Artisan Replica of the USS Enterprise from JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek…
How Star Trek Should Have Ended
via VIDEO Spoof: How Star Trek Should Have Ended |
Picard & The Prime Timeline Strike Back
Mashup Weekend: Picard & The Prime Timeline Strike Back |
Who thought it was a good idea to house dvds in the enterprise?
Target Exclusive Star Trek Packaging from TrekMovie on Vimeo. via topless robot
J.J. Abrams Comes Clean on Star Trek Coincidences, Sequel | Underwire |
SANTA MONICA, California — J.J. Abrams’ rebooted Star Trek could hardly have been more successful with critics and the general public, but some Trekkers found…
Star Trek 11 Trailer set to Animated Series Footage.
And the sad thing is, the animated series footage is more exciting then the actual trailer footage. via Topless Robot
What the space battles could have looked like in Start Trek (2009)
Fedcon 2009 Opening Ceremony Star Trek Animation from Tobias Richter on Vimeo.
Explain Time Travel To Me
The webcomic Pictures For Sad Children has a humorous look at time travel that I feel the writers of Star Trek (2009) likely would agree…
Wesley Lovell Hates Star Trek
So, why was a decision made to craft an alternate reality for the show, altering key figure storylines, altering inner-personal conflicts and infuse it with…
Star Trek 92009) Cameos and Easter Eggs
Last month we reported that Paramount launched an Easter egg contest to find the hidden R2D2 in the new Star Trek movie. Now they have…
Star Trek (2009) Misconceptions 1, 2, 3
As I troll the internet’s depths for people that didn’t like the most recent Star Trek movie, I’ve found several misconceptions that lead to confusion…
PZ Myers Hated Star Trek (2009)
Image via Wikipedia But here’s the problem: the plot was crap. The plot was mostly irrelevant to the movie, but even there, it was a…
The Star Trek ARG
Man, this was such a cool idea, but when alias / cloverfield / lost did it. now it’s just boring and seems repetitive.
Why Star Trek 11 felt so familiar to you
Watch My Favorite Movie (Star Trek vs. Star Wars) on CollegeHumor
Vince Horiuchi Hates Star Trek
. Chris Pine’s Capt. Kirk channels not Shatner, but Tom Cruise’s patented cocky lead from “Top Gun” and “Days of Thunder,” while Zachary Quinto conveys…
Image via Wikipedia LENS FLARES: THE MOVIE Why on Earth did JJ Abrams turn Star Trek into a two-hour commercial for lens flare plugins? I…
New STar Trek stars can’t do the Vulcan salute?
William Shatner (via Quinto, 31, admitted he found it impossible to form his fingers into the distinctive V-shaped gesture, saying: “It’s much harder than…
Bad Astronomy’s Review of the Science of ‘Star Trek’
But I am here to review the science of the movie. I won’t worry about warp drive, transporter tech, or time travel; I’ll concentrate on…
Theater Hopper – Much Love To Rainier Wolfcastle
MUCH LOVE TO RAINIER WOLFCASTLE major nit pick of the movie was the amount of lense flairs. this is a webcomic about lense flairs, and…
An Anonymous Coward on SlashDot Hates Star Trek (2009)
It was kind of like seeing a James Bond movie where Q is absent, Bond gets no gadgets and in fact 007 only shows up…
John Scalzi On Star Trek (2009)
What I didn’t like: Good lord, was the science in this one bad. Dear Kurtzman and Orci: The next time you play with black holes,…
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