Star Trek (2009) Misconceptions 1, 2, 3

As I troll the internet’s depths for people that didn’t like the most recent Star Trek movie, I’ve found several misconceptions that lead to confusion by some people, leading them to hate Star Trek (2009), let me address two of them here in this post. Mind you, there are plenty of reasons to hate this film, I’d rather people hate it for reasons that make sense.

There are going to be spoilers here.

1.) The Truth Bug:

Many people are concerned and/or confused with this truth bug, thinking that it’s somehow related to the ear bug from Star Trek 2.  While I can understand the confusion, in reality the Truth Bug in this movie bares much more of a resemblance to the bug in the penultimate episode of TNG Season one.  Could be a related species, or could be the same species, just not sentient.

2.) The Red Matter:

Couldn’t help wondering about it. If a drop of a certain material can destroy an entire planet, why would you want to amass 300 gallons of it? Did I miss something?--Hank Fox

Yep, a single drop is all it takes to turn a planet into a black hole.  This misconception is easily cleared up though with the realization that the red matter was for use on a sun, and was a last ditch effort to save Romulous from a galaxy wide supernova (yeah, ok, that’s wtf worthy still).  Here in our local star system, the sun is massive compared to the earth, able to fit over 1,000,000 earths inside of it.  So, first and foremost, you’re going to want to bring as much of the red matter as possible, becuase you might only get one shot at saving the entire galaxy from this galactic supernova.  Secondly, you’re going to need a LOT of it if a drop of it will only effect something as relatively small as a planet.

3.) The Star Fleet shipyards:

And who the hell builds a starship ON THE GROUND, for FSMsakes?–Randomfactor

Are you honestly telling me that you’re watching a Star Trek movie and you’re unaware that they have anti-gravity?  Why launch everything into space and build it there when you can build it closer to the materials, test and build it in a safer environment, and then send it on it’s merry way when you’re done!

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