Star Trek 92009) Cameos and Easter Eggs

Last month we reported that Paramount launched an Easter egg contest to find the hidden R2D2 in the new Star Trek movie. Now they have revealed where to find the Star Wars droid, details below plus we list many of the other easter eggs in the Star Trek movie.
Location of R2-D2 Easter Egg Revealed + More Star Trek Easter Eggs |

Yet another reason to hate this most recent Star Trek Movie? lists at least 40 cameos and ‘easter eggs’ that were in it.  Want to know why the subbasement shutin was giggling like a schoolgirl through the whole movie?  It’s because he noticed :

  • Sulu tells Kirk his combat training is in fencing, in the TOS episode “The Naked Time” Sulu shows off his fencing abilities

which by the way I found hilarious because immediately after he says he has fencing abilities, he pulls out a collapsable katana.

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