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Did you wonder why Sabotage was in Star Trek (2009)?

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William Shatner’s Cut Scene from Star Trek (2009)

Movie Trailers – Movies Blog

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Mentos Star Trek

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Bad Astronomy’s Review of the Science of ‘Star Trek’

But I am here to review the science of the movie. I won’t worry about warp drive, transporter tech, or time travel; I’ll concentrate on…

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Theater Hopper – Much Love To Rainier Wolfcastle

MUCH LOVE TO RAINIER WOLFCASTLE major nit pick of the movie was the amount of lense flairs.  this is a webcomic about lense flairs, and…

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An Anonymous Coward on SlashDot Hates Star Trek (2009)

It was kind of like seeing a James Bond movie where Q is absent, Bond gets no gadgets and in fact 007 only shows up…

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John Scalzi On Star Trek (2009)

What I didn’t like: Good lord, was the science in this one bad. Dear Kurtzman and Orci: The next time you play with black holes,…

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